Kodi is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation and Hotstickybun is in no way associated with or affiliated with Kodi, the Kodi Team or XBMC Foundation. This website is an unofficial fan site that provides tutorials and guides on how to install software and add-ons (official and unoffical 3rd party). These tutorials will recieve no support in official Kodi channels. We do not create, maintain or own any of the add-ons in these tutorials.
Hotstickybun is not responsible for how you choose to use these tutorials nor are we responsible for the content streamed to your device. We do not condone piracy and you must understand that the add-ons installed are your choice and by using them you may be taking risk with the lack of copyright agreements in place for access to the sites.
This website does not host or upload any videos, movies, films, media files or live streams and is not responsible for the content that is streamed from your device. All legal issues should be requested through the site owners where the media file resides.
Any sites we choose to link out to we have no control over. If you have any complaints about copyright infringements we request that you contact the media file owners.