Kodi Jarvis 16.0 Hits The Net

News came down today that the developers at Kodi have released their latest version of software, this time labelled Kodi 16, also known as Jarvis. The latest software comes with a handful of improvements under the hood but there are a few new features you can look forward to when you download and install.


Long Press Feature For Remotes

With the ever growing popularity of small set top boxes dominating the Kodi market it was only a matter of time before the developers tailored some features for them, one of them in version 16 is the long press feature of your select button. If you’re looking to visit the context menu you’ll now simply be able to long press the select button on whichever remote you’re using to enable to context menu.

Event Logging

In versions past you didn’t really have any idea what Kodi was doing or updating. That changes in Jarvis, now you’ll be able to visit the Event Logging section to see all the latest updates and important things Kodi has accomplished. It may not matter to most users but this is a nice feature for any future troubleshooting in regards to things like plugins and addons. More importantly if you have a NAS or local library you can see what videos didn’t make it into your Kodi library on any scan.

Direct X 11

Perhaps the biggest change is the upgrade to the Direct X 11 which brings support to Kodi for newer graphics and tools. By switching to this newer version of Direct X 11 this should provide a longer and more durable solution for Windows users in teh future.

Those are just some of the many new features found in the ever impressive Kodi 16, for a full list of features visit the official Kodi press release here.

If you need help learning how to install or update your Kodi box to the latest version then be sure to check out some of our tutorials:

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